
STOP! Don't pay... iPhone Ringtones On The Cheap

The Steve may want you to cough up $2 for an iTunes track + ringtone but TUAW is watching out for your wallet. You already own the song. Use it the way you want. Here's a quick round-up of the ways you can save money on ringtones:
  1. SendSong: This utility lets you pick any song from your iTunes library and use it as a ringtone. Do not use iTMS-purchased tracks as ringtones.
  2. Free iTunes Previews: See TUAW's guide to downloading iTunes previews and then use one of the following tools to install them. Remember that you may have to rename the extensions from .m4p to .m4a.
  3. Windows Ringtones: Use iBrickr (free) or iPhoneRingtoneMaker ($10). You pick the song, they install them.
  4. Mac Ringtones: On the Mac, grab a copy of iFuntastic (free, but a wee bit unstable) or iToner ($15). These too turn your audio into free ringtones.
  5. Here you get any 15 ringtones for FREE!

1 comment:

musk - happy for share said...

Have a iphone ringtones maker, you can make ringtones from any popular format like Mp3, Mp4, AVI, MPG, etc.

Refer http://iphone-ringtone-maker.sharewareguides.com/